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Working with healthcare organisations to enact positive change

quality improvement clinic

Client pain…

"Our organisation is not transforming the way we want."

"We have loads of QI training material but need to establish behavioural change"

"I need something more affordable for us"

"We have a QI team - doing training but not getting the results and outcomes we need."

"Staff are put off by the deluge of QI jargon, delivered far quicker than they can take it in."

"There's waste everywhere - so many broken processes."

"Our current approach isn't working - so we need a different approach."

Having one of these? Get in touch.

We make Trusts look really good. Being good is good, even better if you look good too! 

  • We embrace the hard and softer sides of improvement science in all that we do. This is the best way to know that change has delivered an improvement.
  • Our team of associates bring a wealth of experience of this approach. We map their experience to your need and offer coaching plans and workshops to suit you.
  • We listen to you before you commit to understand where we can help you best. We then reflect this in our proposal and outline the support we can deliver.
  • Our team work with Chief Executives, QI commissioners, QI leads, Directors of Education and Transformation, and more.

How can we help you? Contact us now.

What we do

The Quality Improvement Clinic offers bespoke coaching packages to help healthcare organisations enact positive change. Our team of associates bring a wealth of experience and skill to help you showcase improvement work you have already been doing, spread and foster a QI culture and empower your teams. We coach teams and individuals to move forward with QI goals and transform the organisation they are working in.

We know that you want to be change agents and innovate, so you’ll need strategies and coaching around clinical leadership. You may have learning content and good quality improvers within your Trust / organisation and have challenges in the application of strategies to enact change. This is where we help…

Through QICaction we give you real substance to deliver robust methods for change that benefits your staff, your service, your patients and your community.

Our bespoke coaching helps you to address staff capacity and staff retention. We understand that staff retention is becoming a key issue that needs to be addressed, due to staff frustration. Systems get in the way of allowing your staff to provide the level of care they strive for which is demoralising and this is where we can help.

We work with your Leadership team to give your staff agency and to re motivate them. We help you take action. QIC help you to support your staff through usable – and doable – quality improvement techniques. Empower staff, refine their agency. We show you how to foster their skills and passion. Make positive steps to make a huge difference within the system.

Book a call to discuss how we can help?


Thinking Less: Coping with Information Overload

Thinking Less: Coping with Information Overload

My advice to you as a leader would be to simplify and reduce the number of policies in your workplace. Reliance on policies alone can and has been used to defend bad care judgements as well as condemn clinicians when they are overstretched. You can support on-the-spot judgement of your clinicians that should be informed by but not solely driven by policy.

Less policy just might lead to more safety

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Thinking Out Loud: Coping with information overload by Heather Shearer

Thinking Out Loud: Coping with information overload by Heather Shearer

I have had the great privilege of working with senior leaders in healthcare for several years. Senior managers, clinicians, nurses and midwives, board members, executive and non-executive directors, chief executives, and chairs. This is the first in a mini-series of blogs that draw from practical examples, academic literature and offer some ideas for responding to information overload at senior level.

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Becoming a Confident Coach – When a badge is not enough by Nicola Davey

Becoming a Confident Coach – When a badge is not enough by Nicola Davey

I’ve been teaching and coaching QI for over 10 years now, and learning it myself for over 15 – so does this make me a slow learner?

Whilst Quality Improvement (QI) isn’t rocket science, it IS rooted in improvement science, and as with any science, it includes a method and practice that requires more than can be committed to memory.

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Requires Improvement?

Requires Improvement?

To some, the news comes as no surprise, to some it’s a shock, and to others it shocking. Whatever your perspective, action is clearly required.

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Kent Fire & Rescue Service Case study

Kent Fire & Rescue Service Case study

How often are you frustrated by the system you work in? You’re trying your best to help people – but somehow your efforts are not delivering the benefit – and you don’t know why?

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Let’s Start Something new

If you would like to start a conversation, to see how best we can help – contact the team

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Our Brands

QICaction logo

QIC action exists to make Trusts look really good. We understand that being good is good, but it’s even better if you look good too!

QICaction embraces the hard and softer sides of improvement science in all that we deliver. This is the best way to know that change has delivered an improvement.

Our team of associates bring a wealth of experience of this approach. We map their experience to your need and offer coaching plans and workshops to suit you.

qic learn logo

QIClearn is the digital learning arm of Quality Improvement Clinic

QIClearn provides accredited courses designed for people whose time is precious who need flexible learning opportunities that they can fit around their life.

Effective learning occurs in vibrant social spaces brimming with conversation. All of our learning is fully responsive which means you can access it from your choice of device, in your own time and at your own pace.

Experts in Quality Improvement, specialists in Child and Maternal Health.

QIC Poster Gallery

Our coaching packages result in real change and QI action.
Take a look to see some of the results here.
Wessex Trainee Consultant Practitioner Case Study

Wessex Trainee Consultant Practitioner Case Study

O HEEC! Out of Hours Emergency Elderly Care

O HEEC! Out of Hours Emergency Elderly Care

Pandemic Pandemonium in Paediatrics Post-discharge

Pandemic Pandemonium in Paediatrics Post-discharge

‘XPRES‘ Reducing the time to 1st colostrum on a Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

‘XPRES‘ Reducing the time to 1st colostrum on a Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

This is a just small selection from our extensive gallery of learner posters. You can browse the full poster gallery on the QIClearn website by clicking or tapping the button below.

Get in touch to learn more